Pancake Day is next week - hurrah! Our family has a long history with pancakes with varying levels of success. I initially tried making pancakes with E when she was quite small and I think disaster is the only way to describe it. You can read all about it over on my baking blog which has been dormant for few years now. I notice I titled the post Pancake Apocalpse which sums it up perfectly...
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I was very lucky to be surprised this year with my very own advent calendar! It's been years since I had my own Christmas countdown and Husband knows I am trying to avoid chocolate so instead he opted for a beauty advent calendar. And because we are Amazon addicts (how else can you shop in lockdown???) he chose the Amazon Beauty calendar.
Over the past couple of years beauty and grooming advent calendars have flooded the markets with everything from bath bombs to male grooming versions. I was very intrigued to see what my Amazon Beauty Advent Calendar had in store each day leading up to Christmas Day. Let's take a look inside and see what surprises this £60 beauty advent calendar has in store... Christmas is just around the corner and this year I have decided to do a round up of the little gifts which make perfect Christmas stocking fillers for kids! I love the stockings more than the big presents. They are super fun to open and you never know what you are going to get (although it is essential mine includes a chocolate orange). Everything is available to buy online so you don't need to worry about the crowds during this very unusual year.
2020 has been an extraordinary year and one where, most of us, have had our holiday plans disrupted. If you are thinking of booking a staycation or holiday abroad to get a well earned break from the monotony of coronavirus life, take a look at my top holiday planning tips to help take the stress out of booking a break during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The kids are FINALLY both back to school in a couple of weeks and now we know what they are and aren't allowed to take in with them we made our annual pilgrimage to Smiggle to chose some fun back to school essentials guaranteed to make the school run a little brighter.
It is Father's Day this weekend and my Dad is super hard to buy for. But he loves wine. Enter the Wine List. Now, I admit not a massive wine fan but my Dad is. In fact he's a proper wine lover. So the Wine List appeared in my inbox just at the right time to peak my interest - let's see what's on offer from the latest entry to the subscription box market.
It's the most wonderful time of the year... but it can also be one of the most stressful. If you have still got presents to buy let alone wrap check out my round up of unusual Christmas gifts for all the family guaranteed to produce smiles on Christmas morning.
Can you believe the school holidays are nearly over?! Remember back to mid July when the weeks seemed to stretch ahead and now here we find ourselves starting a fighting over a seat in the shoe shop and googling which lunch boxes are heat/water/yogurt proof - which may be how you found this post. Here are my top back to school essentials to ensure a smooth return to term time routine.
Little E turned 8 and Little I turned 5 last week. I kinda need to do away with the ‘Little’ now don’t I?! Perhaps just for E as I can’t cope with the thought of my baby getting big! Within the space of 6 days we celebrate the following birthdays: Both my children, my Husband, my StepDad, my Dad and my Mum. Yes. I am speaking the truth! The rest of the year feels like a holiday in comparison to that one week in February... Requested cakes this year were ‘a brownie tower’ and ‘orange with a horse on top’. I think I nailed both and I actually got to bed before midnight so I’m winning! Happy Birthday my beautiful girls.
Mums are pretty incredible (even if I do say so myself!). And every year, on Mother’s Day, we get the chance to thank them for all they do. However, beyond the usual cards and flowers – how can you go one step further this year?
Here are some ideas (hints for my husband…): |
Welcome!Artist, Baker and Blogger. Mum to my two beautiful, cheeky girls. Muddling my way through parenthood with equally cheeky Husband. Categories
April 2023