This week I've been feeling really unhappy with my weight. My good intentions to eat heathily faltered over Easter and never really recovered. I can no longer blame the ravenous breastfeeding hunger as that has calmed down lately. I have simply got into the habit of eating sweet foods and snacks and I need to break out. I need to... The only way to stick to this is to publish my weight on the blog each week. That way I'll have somewhere to feel obligated to. I work better under pressure! I weighed myself yesterday and I am officially 85.3kg. I couldn't bring myself to weigh in stones and pounds. Kg's feel less depressing somehow (probably because I don't know the conversion!) I will be weighing in each Thursday so feel free to pop along and congratulate/commiserate/berate me on my progress. Linking up to Word of the Week #WotW over at
16/5/2014 05:33:38 am
Sorry to hear your weights getting you down, and I admire you for thinking about it - I didn't when mine were so small! I wish you luck and would never berate ;-) Thanks for sharing with #WotW x
16/5/2014 09:49:00 am
I always think the key thing is making that decision, all the very best, and I certainly won't berate you either, but I will encourage x #WotW
16/5/2014 02:13:10 pm
I got into the habit after giving birth too and have never really kicked the sugar and carbs but I really need to soon... Good luck with your diet. #wotw
16/5/2014 02:53:45 pm
i seem to be constantly on a diet at the min but i am DETERMINED this time to lose a bit of weight! good luck with it, i know how hard it is to stick to diets :( #WotW
17/5/2014 04:20:01 pm
Aww goodluck! I am currently having a hate relationship with the scale at the moment so I dont know how much i weigh but I know that this is my heaviset too as my pants wont fit me again =( #wotw
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