What a crazy week! The pressure of organising Husband's surprise 30th party plus both myself and Little E having a nasty cold took it's toll and I have felt pretty exhausted constantly! Baby bump has been moving and wriggling lots to the point where my stomach looks completely out of shape at times. I have quite enjoyed freaking Husband out though.
We have found out that our C section is booked for 18th February - which coincidentally is Husband's actual birthday. So he's getting the best 30th birthday present ever! I have been busying myself the last few days getting the nursery ready now we are counting down the last few weeks. Washing has been the main priority and I am loving putting all the tiny clothes away ready for Bump's arrival. Despite our hard work getting the nursery ready over the past few weeks the pre-baby to do list is still pretty long...
What an amazing gift to give your husband for his 30th, a new tiny baby! My little ones birthday is the 16th, great Aquarius babies! I remember having a list as long as your this time last year and now he's almost one! I hope you get everything organised :)
All about a mummy
25/1/2014 12:23:31 am
Thank you :-) xx
Sarah Weston
2/2/2024 08:52:47 am
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