A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of our garden border which was under attack from a colony of weeds. I vowed to post a picture the following week of the border cleared. It didn't happen. In my defense the bank holiday Monday we had set aside for the task was a wash out. So we did a take 2 this weekend and attacked the border. Not only were the weeds settling in nicely but a tree was growing and a bramble patch. Two hours and a lot of thorns through gardening gloves later and it was looking so much better! Here is the after shot: Turns out the little bushes were actually alive under all the long grass and weeds. The rose bush in the middle has lots of buds on so I was reluctant to prune it, but I will cut it right back in the Autumn as it has got rather ugly. We also made a start on another garden project which I will fill you in on next week... Linking up to #HDYGG over at mammasaurus.co.uk and #pocolo at vevivos.com
5/6/2014 05:27:13 am
doesn't it feel good to battle something in the garden and win? well done
5/6/2014 06:27:49 am
It is such a sence of acomplishment isn't it! I need to tackle our frontt garden x #HDYGG
5/6/2014 11:07:46 am
Yay to beating weeds! I was out in my garden for a couple of hours this afternoon doing exactly the same thing - satisfying isn't it?
5/6/2014 11:40:06 am
They can now live & breath better =) #hdygg
5/6/2014 03:55:08 pm
Well done! I pulled my tallest dandelion yet today. I am so proud, I have kept it for show and tell. My excuse is that it hides amoung the poppies and I can't tell what's what!
6/6/2014 08:43:08 am
Nice one! Its looking real good now. Bet it feels good to get everything in order :)
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