My 'push present' second time around was an iPad mini. Husband bought me diamonds first time and this time, as tends to happen with the second child, practicality won. I spend a lot of time sitting feeding baby and during night feeds I am paranoid about falling asleep on baby so I read or surf the web. The iPad mini allows me to do both one handed. Perfect gift. So I was intrigued when I was sent a NueVue iPad mini case to try out. The unique feature of the NueVue is that it cleans your iPad whilst killing all bacteria picked up from little snotty children's hands. As Little E likes up watch Peppa Pig on my iPad it is very grubby. Plus I am forever applying lanolin nipple cream when I'm using it so I take a share of the blame! Before we get onto how well it works let me tell you about how it looks. I was sent the lilac canvas design but it comes in an assortment of different fabrics and colours. It looks really stylish and the materials are top quality (as you'd expect for the price). It feels lovely and the stitching down the front adds nice detail. There is a smooth leather closure at the top which also acts as a little spring to reveal the end of the iPad allowing you to remove the iPad easily. So far, so good. Now for the testing... As you can see in the picture above I have stuck a greasy finger onto the top half of the phone screen. It was a pretty heavy lanolin cream so a real test for the case. I popped it in the case and applied a little pressure to the case as I removed the iPad. I repeated the process once more and voila... A completely clean screen! I am really impressed with how well it cleans. I admit I needed to repeat the process about ten times the first time I tried it as it has accumulated 3mths of grime but since it only takes a wipe or two to restore it to glory. You need to leave the iPad in the case for half an hour for it to kill 99.9% of the bacteria on the surface of the screen which is good to know when your little one is watching The Swan Princess on Netflix for the 100th time! At £39.99 it is a reasonably expensive case and the inability to use it as a stand is an issue for me because I read with my iPad propped up so my hands are free to deal with baby. So in general I will only be using the case to clean the tablet which is very indulgent but I think the design is lovely and it would suit a lot of people's lifestyles, especially those who use a case for storage and transport but actively use their tablet without a casing. NueVue cases are available for iPhone, iPad and iPad mini. Find out more at Linking up to #triedtested over at and
20/5/2014 03:27:36 am
Oh what a clever idea! This would be perfect for us, there are always greasy little fingers on my iPad screen! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested
20/5/2014 03:43:23 am
That's so clever, I don't own an iPad, but if I did, this would certainly be a good investment #TriedTested
20/5/2014 05:33:09 am
What a fab case, we've been looking for one for our ipad mini too. Also, I had no idea about push presents. I am going to ask for one this time, and hopefully get 3 backdated...
20/5/2014 08:49:15 am
What a great idea for a case my ipad mini is so bad for dirty marks
30/11/2017 10:22:40 am
I would use a black and white photo of my twin sons taken last year, pulling a sledge in the street and holding hands
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