I've sat down this week and sorted out my Kindle. It was a long process but I now have proper 'read' and 'TBR' folders which makes my soul happy. I can now see all the fab books I have lined up ready to read and prioritised the titles I aim to read over the Summer.
You can click the book covers to pop across to Amazon to check out the books for Kindle or in paperback. (Affiliate links so if you do make a purchase I receive a small commission which helps keep this blog running).
Vanishing Girls - Lisa Regan
I have read so many great reviews of this book I cannot wait to read it myself.
White Chrysanthemum - Mary Lynn Bracht
This is my latest Book Club novel and it is going to be a harrowing one. Set in Korea during World War II it reveals the atrocities inflicted on Korean women by the Japanese soldiers. I'm not looking forward to this one as I tend to prefer my fiction as a escape from the real world rather than the devastation of actual events but I said this before A Thousand Splendid Suns and I loved that book so I'll reserve judgement.
Follow You Home by Mark Edwards
Mark Edwards is one of the Kindle revolution success stories, an author who struggled to get published the traditional route so tried his hand at self publishing and has had a string of bestselling psychological thrillers. Follow You Home has been sitting on my Kindle for ages so I need to give it a whirl.
12 Years a Slave - Solomon Northup
I've seen the phenomenal movie but I have not read the book. This must be rectified.
The Breakdown - B.A.Paris
I've read the first, Behind Closed Doors, and the latest, Bring Me Back, but I haven't read her middle book The Breakdown. I find her novels really tense and I doubt this will be any different!
Mad Men, Bad Girls - Maggie Groff
This book has been sitting on my Kindle for ages and ages. I think I need to break up all the psychological thrillers and harrowing books I am reading with something a little more lighthearted!
A Killers Mind - Mike Omer
This is my latest Amazon Prime First read which gives me a free pre-release book each as part of my Prime package - But of course I never read them before they become available! This one sounds like a good mystery to me.
So, my Summer is sorted! What's on your Summer reading list?
24/7/2018 09:25:26 am
Great list - I haven't read many on here so will have to take a closer look at them. I've been trying to read Nick Harkaway's 'Gnomon' for about a year now, but it's one I need to concentrate on and I just haven't been able to settle down to it. I'm hoping some lazy summer days will give me the opportunity to finish it at last!
24/7/2018 11:03:36 am
This is a great list but too scary for my taste. 😆 The book about the Korean girls sounds so harrowing and tragic that I am sad just thinking about it. I definitely couldn't read that one.
24/7/2018 06:24:23 pm
I've read The Breakdown and will be interested to hear if you guess the whole story within the first 2 chapters as I did! It wasn't my favourite, but it hasn't put me off reading her most recent one, which I must get on!!
25/7/2018 06:45:38 am
I like your list, I hope one day I can make mine too. I never knew there was a book version of '12 years a slave', I would love to have a read.
25/7/2018 09:50:38 am
I've not heard of any of these. Mad Men Bad Girls sounds like my cup of tea. My put it on my Summer holiday list
Melanie williams
25/7/2018 09:20:47 pm
Ooo I like a good thriller, so the follow you home book by Edwards looks like it will be going on my reading list for sure x
25/7/2018 09:24:20 pm
I've not come across any of the authors except BA Paris and I loved her first two books. I'm currently reading a non-fiction book but plan to get to The Breakdown as soon as I'm finished!
Michelle Murray
28/7/2018 09:02:58 pm
I'm looking for some holiday reads so thanks for sharing your list
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