After a busy festive period it has been back to reality this week. Little I is beginning to show her mischievous side and keeps desperately trying to do things she knows she is not allowed. The stairs are her biggest challenge. Luckily we can close them off but as soon as she sees an opportunity she's off! Her high chair is another opportunity for defiance. A naughty foot keeps popping up onto her tray. She looks at me as if to say 'and your problem with my foot is?' The weather has been miserable but it's meant I can pop her in one of my favourite Christmas presents - her Ted Baker snowsuit. Look at how adorable it is! I love it so much I want one myself. It is so big she can't move but who need mobility when you are that snuggly? The toothbrush has become a new object of wonder. There is certainly no problem convincing her to put in her mouth. In fact we can't get the bloomin' thing off her! Speaking of teeth 2 further upper teeth are cutting which will bring her total to 6. She has discovered teeth are quite handy and uses them like a third hand. She has taken to carrying her muslin about this way like a dog. It is quite funny to watch. After a month of illness we were finally able to meet up with Bestie. Little I looked so big next to Little T. They were interacting with each other and soon the 7mth age gap will start to close and they will be Besties like their older siblings and Mummies! And she's walking unaided with her walker now and surfing around the furniture. If you hold her hands she'll walk with you. The 5 week birthday countdown has begun - will she be walking by one? Linking up with #babys1styear #maternitymondays at #MMWBH at #sharewithme at #brilliantblogposts with and #babybabble at
14/1/2015 02:07:52 am
From what you say my money is on walking by one! #sharewithme
Ahh love love her bestie photo. Always great to make friends at a young age. I am still best friends with my first baby friend after 31 years. It's brilliant to look back at baby pics of us. lol So she growing up too quick. Stop that baby. hahaha She is looking more like her sister too! Amazing. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me. Sorry if you had any trouble commenting on my site today as the host is being transferred there are a few glitches to fix. Apologies. #sharewithme
19/1/2015 12:14:46 pm
Aww I love the pictures. Especially the happiness on her face with the foot on the high chair. Such a cutie and such a good idea to document everything.
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Welcome!Artist, Baker and Blogger. Mum to my two beautiful, cheeky girls. Muddling my way through parenthood with equally cheeky Husband. Categories