Welcome to the new diary! I found venting about the past 20 weeks of pregnancy cathartic so I've decided to continue with a baby diary documenting how I am coping with life as a mum to a toddler and a newbie. Week 1 has mainly been about C section recovery. Compared to my previous forceps theatre delivery I can say, overall, it has been a far more positive experience. The first three days were really hard and super painful but now the pain is easing and I am far more mobile. I'm off painkillers apart from the occasional ibuprofen. I took pain killers daily for over three months after Little E's birth so this is a major improvement! We've also been focused on establishing breastfeeding. Due to the Caesarian I've had to adopt the rugby ball hold with baby tucked under my arm, legs wrapped around my back. It took a while to adjust to after spending nine months feeding Little E the standard, across body way but we seem to be getting there now. My milk came in at the weekend and, as expected, I have far too much - poor Little I can barely latch on they are so inflated and I've been resorting to expressing before feeds to relieve the pressure. There is so much milk I have great big lumps under my armpits - milk reservoirs! After three nights of little to no sleep, we seem to have got into a routine of 3-4hour blocks during the night but I am up for at least an hour in between feeding. Little I likes to suckle for comfort during the night so my new iPad mini (push present!) is coming in handy for reading one handed. Little E doesn't seem disturbed by the noise in the night which is a huge relief. If anything Little I is bothered more by the lack of noise than it's presence. Little I is a little jaundice (or as we like to call it 'spray tanned') and is the spitting image of a Little E as a newborn. It is like having my baby back again. The only difference is Little E had a forceps induced cone shaped head and was a lot longer, like a gazelle. Little E is more compact. So maybe she will take after me more than 6ft 4'' Husband. No doubt it'll all change again soon but for now we are all doing ok! This post is linked to #PoCoLo weekly linky over on twitter. Join in the fun each week at vevivos.com
26/2/2014 11:45:37 am
Gorgeous little babys!
All about a Mummy
27/2/2014 10:23:31 pm
Thank you :-) xx
27/2/2014 11:04:57 pm
Congratulations to you and welcome to the world little 'I' - completely adorable x
28/2/2014 12:00:18 am
Sounds like you're already getting into a great routine. Hope the breastfeeding becomes easier for you xx #PoCoLo
28/2/2014 08:13:51 am
Aww! Congratulations! It sounds like things are going well!!
28/2/2014 11:51:16 am
Awww how cute, I remember this stage like it was yesterday!. Your daughters are sooooo alike if not identical :D too cute #PoCoLo
28/2/2014 12:44:22 pm
aww glad you are doing so well! My new baby is the spitting image of his big brother as a baby too! I love it :) #pocolo
28/2/2014 11:52:11 pm
Gorgeous, gorgeous baby l. It's always hard establishing a new routine. So pleased it's all going well :) Thanks for linking to PoCoLo x
2/3/2014 01:20:06 am
Congratulations and so pleased that you're recovering well. They really are the spit of each other xx #pocolo
2/3/2014 01:21:05 am
Grace says - Congratulations. Your baby looks beautiful xx
2/3/2014 11:51:22 am
Gorgeous, gorgeous baby photos! Making me almost broody!! Sounds like things are going well for you so far. I hope this continues as you get used to each other and the milk supply calms down (Ow! A pain I will never forget!). Congratulations! #PoCoLo
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Welcome!Artist, Baker and Blogger. Mum to my two beautiful, cheeky girls. Muddling my way through parenthood with equally cheeky Husband. Categories
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