It is freezing outside but Spring is just around the corner and our latest Baker Ross Blogger delivery is jammed packed with Spring crafting to keep us going until Easter arrives. Here's Little E modelling the craft kits in our pack. The delivery includes a Mother's Day Handprint Poem kit (£3.60 for 4) and Easter Bunny Train Kit (£1.99 for 1) which Little I is desperate to make but we are going to keep them for nearer the time and instead have cracked on with the Spring Kits.
December is here! We can officially embrace Christmas! We've got a bit ahead of ourselves this week and have been getting our festive groove on early trying out some of the fab craft kits sent to us by the lovely elves over at Baker Ross.
Last week we were having fun with the Halloween craft kits in our latest Baker Ross blogger club delivery. This week we have been celebrating the arrival of Autumn, it is such a beautful month with leaves turning stunning shades of red and bright, crisp mornings. The Baker Ross Autumn craft range is, as usual, brilliant. We were sent Owl Jewel Decorations (£3.49 for 4), Autumn Cross Stitch Bookmarks (£2.75 for 4) and Leaf Sand Art Decorations (£3.49 for 5).
Our latest Baker Ross Blogger Network pack has arrived and we are very excited by the Halloween craft kits included. Halloween is one of our favourite holidays, Little E loves all things spooky and last year we really went to town decorating the house, dressing up and welcoming trick or treaters. One of the highlights of last year was making lots of spooky craft kits and this year's assortment looks even better.
We have been sent another lovely box of kid's craft materials from Baker Ross and Little E could not wait to try out the Unicorn Cushion Sewing Kits. She has been off school unwell this week so we had the perfect opportunity to spend some time together crafting.
Three years ago I bought some Easter cards kits in the post-Easter Tesco sales super cheap and tucked them away in the cupboard ready for the following year... and promptly forgot all about them! Little E loves making Easter cards, our favourites were the palm stampers we used a couple of years ago, so when we found these earlier this week she was excited to get started.
Easter is super early this year so we are making a start on our craft projects. Baker Ross have sent us a bumper box of Easter themed treats so let's see what we have been up to!
We are a little behind with our craft projects due to Little E's ear operation but this week we have been able to delve into the amazing box of Valentine's and Mother's Day crafts sent in our latest Baker Ross blogger programme box. With Valentine's Day on the horizon Little E wanted to make some gifts for her Dad, after all he is the love of her life (so far!). She was excited to try the Heart Lanterns Kit (£3.49 for a pack of 4) The kit includes four different cut out lantern designs and lots of multicoloured tissue paper squares. Little E chose to make the pink lantern.
My degree is in Fine Art. I've always enjoyed painting, drawing and sewing; it is how I express myself and relax. But since having the kids my time to explore creative outlets have been drastically reduced to the point where I feel it is impossible to be myself. The main issue is I have no space to create anything, no time to create anything and when I do actually start something it takes me longer to set up and then pack away again than actually doing it. In short I need a kid free studio. The reality is that isn't going to happen anytime soon as we have no space left now the girls have a room each.
Little E's birth was incredibly traumatic and it has left me with pelvic pain which had recently been diagnosed as Chronic Pain. I'm on medication now but there isn't anyway to 'fix' this problem. One of the things I have found helping me deal with the pain, or at least the anxiety associated with the pain, is colouring in.
We love being part of the Baker Ross blogger network and our Christmas craft box arrived this week much to Little E's delight. These are just a few of the amazing craft kits available and we couldn't wait to get started.
Welcome!Artist, Baker and Blogger. Mum to my two beautiful, cheeky girls. Muddling my way through parenthood with equally cheeky Husband. Categories
April 2023