I just spent the day with my Dad. He made me smile when he did his usual trick of walking in and immediately taking over the BBQ tongs without asking or being asked. Luckily Husband is more than happy to relinquish the duty. Here is a picture of us from the 80's. I love that he is sporting a Tom Selleck moustache. I can still remember how it would tickle my cheek when he kissed me. I cried when he shaved it off because he didn't look like my Dad anymore. Love you Dad. Linking up to #whatsthestory at podcastdove.com and #magicmoments at theoliversmadhouse.co.uk
Sharing a cheeky family selfie. It reminds me of the selfie we took just days before Little I was born :-) Linking up with #familyphotofriday with thursdayschild-fridaysthoughts.blogspot.co.uk/ and #meandmine with dearbeautifulboy.com and #familyfriday with dannyuk.com After a bit if a chaotic week last week which left me feeling like a complete failure as a mother, I have felt quite settled this week. Little I has settled back into her 4am night feed routine which is fine as I am prepared for it. I have felt a lot less stressed generally and even Little E who is generally a testing child has been better behaved. I've said before that being a family of 4 feels like treble the work of 3 but this week I coped ok. Plus I lost another lb so things are going the right way with the diet. Linking up with #WOTW with thereadingresidence.com Last week I hinted that we have started a new project in the garden. It's actually a secret, so don't tell the girls. We are buying them a Wendy House! The wooden play house is going to be situated half way up our lawn backing onto our neighbours wire fence. We can't put it any further up because the cows in the field bordering our garden will eat it. Literally. The problem was a huge bush right where we want it to go. So Husband had to dig it out. The root was huge so it took a while and Little E was more than happy to be foreman on the excavation telling him what to do next. This is the playhouse we are getting. It is a dinky 4x4 one but our small garden can't take anything bigger and it is fantastic value. It is shown in different colour designs. I love the stripey beach house design but we think we will keep the main body of the house wooden and then paint the door, window frames and roof, similar to the second image.That way it should be relatively easy to keep it looking smart each season plus it will blend in with our rural garden well. Inside I going to paint it all white to make it feel light and airy. The next step is to level the ground and lay a slab base for the play house to sit on so watch this space! PS. We had an audience during the dig proving our point about the cows! Linking up to #HDYGG over at mammasaurus.co.uk and #pocolo at vevivos.com Not been too bad this week and I am happy to report a loss of 0.5kg (1.1lb). I have been listening to the Slimpod religiously each night before bed and I think it is working. I'm not snacking as much and I can see instances where I have declined pudding/snacks/cake etc because I realise I just don't need it. I've had the odd treat I won't lie but I'm not eating for the sake of it. Hopefully this is a permanent trend! Overall weightloss: 2.2kg (4.8lb) Linking up to #healthhop with pinkoddy.co.uk E is for Little E... My little baby is now 3yrs old and refuses to pose for photos when I get the DSLR out. So I sneaked this capture when she was watching TV in her usual pose - sucking her left thumb and twiddling her right ear. She was doing this in the womb at our ultrasound scans and it is how she can be found whenever she is feeling cosy or tired. She caught me snapping away and gave me a rare camera smile which is just about in focus! Linking up to The Alphabet Photography Project at podcastdove.com #alphabetphoto, The Better Photography Project at loveallblogs.com #betterphotosproject, The Gallery: Detail at thestickyfingersblog.com #TheGallery and The Mad Mid Week Blog Hop with superbusymum.net #MMWBH Clingy baby alert! Last week the separation anxiety started. This week is has ramped right up. I attempted a quick dinner with Bestie but I had only been out for 90mins when Husband called to say a Little I was screaming and choking inconsolably and refusing the expressed bottle. I could tell he was at his wits end so I returned home to find them both in a right state. Little I calmed down immediately but it took Husband a lot longer to get over his ordeal. She is the same at home if I put her down on her playmat. She screams inconsolably... I've been trying to give her a bottle myself but she point blank refuses and trying from a cup is so messy I've got no idea if she is actually drinking any... We have a baby free wedding on 28th June... Help!!!! The warmer weather means the summer wardrobe is out. I am obsessed with romper suits so that is all Little I will be wearing for the foreseeable future! Because she is so chubby she gets really hot and bothered. To help keep her as comfortable as possible she is enjoying cool baths and feeding on and off all day to quench her thirst. We have also been out to the park. Little E rides on the buggy board and we have picnics. Little I loves being outside in the fresh air and watching the world go by. She is desperate to try out food and eyes up Little E's sandwiches with envy. We met another Baby I this week who is just 2 weeks old. Little I looked like a giant. I can't remember her being that small despite it only being a few weeks ago. They grow so fast at this age you have to remind yourself to stop and drink them in. She will never be this little again. Linking up to #sharewithme letstalkmommy.com at #brilliantblogposts honestmum.com at and #babybabble at carsonsmummy.blogspot.co.uk/ Lots of cuddles, lots of laughter, lots of fun. Linking up to #siblings with dearbeautifulboy.com Due to the mini heatwave this weekend our room thermometers were registering 26 degrees in the girls bedrooms last night. Nothing worse than trying to get a grumpy, hot baby comfortable at bedtime then having them wake at 3am when the temperature drops and they get a little chilly. Enter the 0.5tog Grobag to solve the problem. Over 90% of parents now use baby sleep bags and my babies have always slept in them. Little E was in one until she worked out how to escape them at 2years old. We were sent the Sweet Dreams Grobag to review which is a really fun ice cream design in soft pastel colours. It is single layer 100% cotton 0.5tog so it keeps baby cool but stops them feeling chilly if there is a breeze from the window. It is recommended for temperatures of 24-27 degrees. It is a travel Grobag so the clever popper openings and double zip allow you to use it with a 5 point harness in the car seat or buggy. Great when baby wants a daytime nap out and about or you want to transfer them straight to bed from the car. The chin guard stops the midline zip rubbing on baby. There is also a set of poppers under the armpits so you can make the arm holes smaller for new babies. Last night we popped Little I in a short sleeved vest then into the Grobag. As she is already 4mths old we left the underarm poppers open. She looked very comfy and cool and slept well only waking once for a short feed. I love the design and she looked so sweet and girly in it. Hopefully this lovely weather continues so we get lots of use from the Grobag over the next two months. I'll definitely be buying a larger size for next summer. Remember the golden rules of baby sleep bags:
Sweet Dreams Travel Grobag 0.5tog from £19.99 available in 0-6mths, 6-18mths and 18-36mth sizes. Machine washable and tumble dry safe on low heat. gro-store.co.uk We were sent this Grobag for review purposes. All opinions are our own. Linking up to #triedtested over at weregoingonanadventure.co.uk and myfamilyfever.co.uk We've been spending a lot of time in the garden and Little E has become really interested in plants and has shown an interest in growning her own. Fortune shone upon us this week as Husband's bottle of tomato ketchup came with free tomato seeds. This was the prefect opportunity to try out the Baker Ross plant pot kit I've been meaning to buy seeds for since the beginning of Spring! The kit includes four plant pots which you decorate by colouring one of the pre-printed paper designs or you can use the blank template to create your own unique design. Little E enjoyed colouring the templates and decided on the heart design for her flower pot. You simply place the finished template in between the two pieces of plant pot and clip it closed encasing the design behind the see through plastic outer skin. This was easy enough for Little E to do herself. We then put our wellies on and went outside. She filled it with soil and added her tomato seeds. We watered and put the pot in a sunny spot on our window ledge because we don't have a greenhouse. I then crossed my fingers that tomatoes will appear. Little E has already asked where her tomatoes are so this will be a good lesson in patience! I now need to get some seeds for the other three pots... Pack of 4 design your own plant pots £4.96 from bakerross.co.uk We are part of the Baker Ross blogger network but all opinions are our own. Linking up to #CountryKids at coombemill.com, #LetKidsBeKids at letkidsbekids.co.uk and #kidscorner at elizabethskitchendiary.co.uk |
Welcome!Artist, Baker and Blogger. Mum to my two beautiful, cheeky girls. Muddling my way through parenthood with equally cheeky Husband. Categories
April 2023